My girlfriend's friends: Amy

My girlfriend's friends: Amy

Hello, my name is Sam and I want to tell you a story that happened to me. I am not exaggerating any part of it - telling it all as it happened. I do remember it as if it was yesterday.

I was 15 and still in high school. My life was nothing out of the ordinary. School by day, video games and sleep after. I did; however, have a girlfriend who was a year younger than me - 15. Her name was Thu and she was Vietnamese. The best part about school was lunch time. And not just because it let me escape from a boring classroom, but because I would get to spend time with my girlfriend... and her friends!
Her friends were all Asian, just like her and were all 14 years old. Amy was Chinese and quite a fob. She was about 5'4, with a slim, even skinny, body and a nice pair of B-Cup breasts. Being a very shy Chinese girl, Amy always wore high neck tops with long sleeves and jeans. Her cute Asian face was framed by round glasses, without which she could barely see. And she always seemed to carry the biggest amount of textbooks possible, while keeping her back perfectly straight, which made her teenage tits perkily pop right up.

Needless to say, despite having a girlfriend and being in a fully stable relationship - I wanted to play around with Amy. That was of course partially her fault! She seemed to be so shy, that my presence alone would make her blush. Just thinking of violating such a pure and innocent girl made me rock hard.
As the time went on, the summer season came. It has been 4 months since I have been thinking of having sex with Amy, and then...
I am not sure what it was. Perhaps the hormones took over, or maybe it was the heat. The fact that Amy wore a white blouse and a skirt for the first time was probably a big factor too, despite it being an old-fashioned below knee kind of skirt. Her butt looked wonderful in it, and seeing her naked legs, just made me want to spread them more.

On warm days Amy usually walked home, which involved passing through an underground tunnel under a highway. Normally it was a busy place with students going through it non-stop; however, due to her studying Amy was almost two hours late to go home. Of course by that time, most of the students have already left and the tunnel would be getting empty. Oh, what was I doing in school so late, you ask? Certainly not stalking Amy. No, really, I actually managed to fail a chemistry lab (a subject for which I couldn't care less at that time), and I had to redo it. Now that I think about it, perhaps it were the fumes of the chemicals that I was mixing, that made me think thoroughly about catching Amy and finally getting a hold of her nice Asian tits.

I finished my lab relatively fast, and stopped by the library where I undoubtedly found Amy, sitting behind a pile of books, which I knew she was going to take home.
"Hey Amy! I just finished my lab! I think I passed, hah!" I said, sitting down across for her, trying to see her face through the stacks of literature. "What are you up to?"
"Hi," was her short reply and a shy smile, "I am studying for my exams still, but library is closing soon."
I wasn't sure if she was going to say anything else, so I continued for her, "so you'll be going home with this ton of paper? Would you like me to give you a hand? I need to stop by the market anyways! I am running low on cup noodles!" said I cheerfully, hoping she won't notice the weird tone of voice, that suddenly has taken over me.
She looked away from her work for a moment, "Ugh, are you sure?" she didn't seem to be so sure herself.
"I am sure!" I said eagerly, got up and began putting books in my backpack. She muttered a quiet "thank you" as she prepared to leave as well.

We slowly walked towards her apartment building, which was about 15 minutes away. The time was nearing 6 in the afternoon, and while most of the heat left, the humidity remained in the air. As we carried our load and chattered, I noticed that Amy was starting to get hot, and I could see the outline of her bra and breasts when he white blouse, wet from the sweat, got stuck to her chest. I stopped and took a deep breath. "Amy," I started. She stopped to look at me and I continued, "you are such a naughty girl! I can see your bra and the tops of your breasts!" I said teasingly, knowing that if this won't kill her, her blushing will be extreme. And so it was! Amy gasped, looked at her chest, and covered it with her arm. I was losing it.
"Silly! If you cover it with your arm, it will only stick to your body more," I said, and came closer. Let me show you. As she tried backing away from me, I reached out, grabbed the sides of her blouse where the buttons are, and pulls to the sides with the amount of force I never expected to have. There was a ripping noise, a slight struggle and a second later, 14 year old Amy was in front of me, exposed in her bra. A realization came to me that she might scream, but she didn't - perhaps she was so shocked and scared. She tried covering herself, but as I was pulling the blouse off of her, I managed to tangle her hands with it behind her back. I semi dragged her towards the tunnel which was mere 10 feet away.
"Sam, stop!" Amy begged as she struggled to free her arms.
"No, Amy! I can't! I wanted to see you naked for so long!" I whispered in a low voice and without hesitation pulled her bra straps to the sides, and slid the whole thing down to her stomach. Her nicely shaped B-cup tits instantly popped out and perked up, with her hard nipples pointing straight out. Her areolas were surprisingly very light brown and large. Still holding Amy's hands behind her back with my left hand, I use my right to cup one of her breasts. I looked at Amy and saw tears running down her face. I wiped them away and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, pinching her nipple and pulling it at the same time. She blinked in surprise as her body twitched and arced. I moved my face down on level with her breasts and began sucking on the nipple, biting it occasionally, still pulling and pinching the other one. A couple of seconds later, moan escaped Amy's mouth and I decided to move lower.

Giving a quick glance to the both ends of the tunnel to make sure no one was around, I decided to speed things up, as I sure as hell didn't want to be caught. I made a rough move and pulled Amy to the ground. She landed flat on her butt and leaned to the side, because of the backpack that was still on her back. I took it off of her and contemplated on what to do with her hands. Decision came fast and if my dick could get any harder it would. Moving her hands behind her head, I tied the blouse around her neck, semi-suffocating her. She was crying hard, with fear in her eyes, body shivering. I smiled, as I ripped her skirt off with such force, her whole body lifted off the ground. I was rushing, hurting her in the process, as I continued to pull the skirt down, finally getting it off one leg, and just leaving it alone. I was going to explode - the sight of her scared red face, body shaking so hard that tits jiggled, and most of all, her panties. I was not in the mood for foreplay. I pulled panties off and saw her hairy pussy, which must have never been shaved. Looking her in the eyes, with a bit of a crazy smile on my face, I whispered, "I hope you will enjoy this Amy. I am about to fuck your tight virgin Asian cunt with my hard cock!"

I was not a big guy, having a height of 5'9 at the age of 15, I was extremely skinny and my cock was an average 6, almost 7 inches when erect. I was however proud of how hard it would get, and the girth it had. Despite everything, the sight seemed to terrify Amy and she stopped shaking, gasping for air at the sight of my fully erect cock point up. foreskin pulled back and precum glistening on the head. No condom, no lube, no time. I was going to spit to make the entry easier, but I suddenly wanted her to feel the pain that I felt all the time, waiting to fuck her. Her body got tense as my hard cock pressed against her soft pussy lips. I rubbed my cock on her clit, which resulted in weak moaning from Amy. She was getting slightly wet for a shy virgin who was getting raped.

I spread her pussy lips apart and positioned my cock at the entry. I saw her take a breath and with that I pushed in. Not going to lie, I almost regretted not using any kind of lubricant at that time. Her Asian pussy was so tight, that my penis head was burning from friction as I tried forcing my way in. Amy started crying loud, but I continued to pus, breaking through her hymen. The blood, the little of it that there was, made things a bit easier and I began fucking Amy. She was getting a bit too loud and I tightened the blouse around her neck, temporarily cutting off the oxygen to her head. When that didn't help I decided to teach her a lesson. As she cried and begging me to stop, I fucked her tight cunt with such force, her tits were almost hitting her in the face, and my balls were hurting from slamming against her ass. I grabbed her swaying tits and squeezed them hard, pinching, twisting and pulling the nipples. She screamed in pain, which made me angry. Giving the surroundings a quick look, I saw a normal pencil, which must have fallen out of someone's backpack, just 2 feet away. I grabbed it and without hesitation reached down to shove it in her tight butt. Her asshole tightened, refusing a foreign object to enter, but I didn't stop and rammed the entire 4 inches of the pencil inside her. Her constant screaming and crying turned me on so much, I was ready to cum. "Amy, you Asian whore!" I yelled, pounding her pussy, "I am going to fill your cunt with my cum!" and begun pouring my semen in her pussy.

She was still crying quietly as I zipped up my pants, and grabbed my backpack. For the sake of pure self satisfaction, I took her bra, panties, skirt and blouse with me, leaving her laying completely naked with blood and cum spilling out of her hairy 14 year old pussy and a pencil still inside her ass. "Amy," I said, brushing her hair softly, "I am sorry... Tomorrow we'll get you a pill so you won't get pregnant... As long as you don't tell anyone." And with that I got up and went home, thinking about my girlfriend's other friends I still wanted to fuck.

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