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My Sister's Lotion pt. 2

"Jack get out of the hallway!" My buddy's voice boomed through my headphones a second too late. The next thing I knew my avatar was face down, bullet wounds spraying blood from my face onto the digital carpeting. "Jeeze dude what's gotten into you!" I just couldn't get my head into the game lately. Too many distractions I supposed. I glanced over at the empty bottles on my desk as I awaited re-spawn, a slight stirring in my boxers as I briefly imagined how violently I would be defiling them later that night. I was distracted by a rapping at my...


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Wrestling with Aidan

I’ll never forget the day that my best friend Aidan took me along to the wrestling group at school. He had been at me for months to join him, almost pleading for me to go with him. Aidan was about to turn 15, I had just turned 14. We had been friends since we were both about 8 years old. He had a pool and seemed to be very keen for me to play with him each summer in it. Even if I said that I had no swimmers to wear he would always say that he could lend me a...


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Home invasion humiliation

Mike is a good friend of mine both at school and at church. He’s someone I’ve always looked up to, he is smart, kind, brave, and everyone likes him. He always does the right thing and is strong in his Christian beliefs. He has a lot of friends and a small group of us often spend time together because we go to the same school and church. There’s Mike, James, Nicole, Katie and me. We are all 17 and about to enter our last year of school in London. James has been friends with Mike since forever. They both play football...


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Rosie & Megs plus a Merc.

It was a beautiful day - the sun was high in the sky, the blue/purple tinge of heather scattered across the Scottish mountains added to the illusion of heat. As a driving instructor and examiner, I loved driving, and teaching people to drive - cars and motor bikes. I was out cruising, enjoying the drive and seeing the scenery all around me. The windows were down allowing a gentle breeze to blow through the car, keeping the temperature at a comfortable level. Ahead, I saw two small figures at the side of the road, thumbing a lift. I started to slow...


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My young horny cousin

I would say that I am a regular young man I like girls hanging out with friends and just having fun. I go to high school and have a sex a few time with the same girl. However when I found out my cousin was coming down from la I knew I would not be able to fuck my girl anymore. My cousins name is Todd and to be honest I really don’t know how old he is but I would say he is like 13. Just at that age to be annoying but he looks up to me and I...


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Red – Part II – The Truck Stop

Sara’s mind raced as she eased up I-95. It had been a routine trip from Richmond heading home to Hoboken until the accident stopped traffic 30 miles back. Traffic was moving much better north of Wilmington, but she was still panicked over what had just happened. Stuck in dead-stop traffic, listening to her boyfriend, Brian, talk dirty to her on the phone, she’d done the unthinkable. Brian knew she was wearing her short jean skirt, no panties (She’d left them on his apartment floor when they fucked before she left town.) and the thought of her driving up 95 like that...


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Babysitting Sucks - Chapter One

Babysitting Sucks (Chapter One) Matthew had better plans for a Friday night than to sit in and babysit his younger sister Laura and her best friend Bella. Let's face it, babysitting sucks. Especially considering he was nearly 18, but his mum had other ideas for him. As well as not being able to go out, he also had to tidy the house and cook tea for the three of them. He wasn't going to cook anything fancy, just some burgers and chips or some shit like that. He'd had plans to go and see his girlfriend Lorraine today, but according to...


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It's In Our Blood

It’s In The Blood I am great grandfather, grandfather and father in one line of descendants. You have heard the song “I’m My Own Grandpa?” My theme song ought to be something about, “I’m my own worst enemy.” I’m an old man now and look back on the genetic shit storm I’ve created and wonder why my daughters, grand daughters and great grand daughters let me live without at least castrating me. The last time I got charged with a sex crime, statutory rape I was seventy-two years old. That was three years ago and I shall never be able to...


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Unfatomable fantasies I - Rape of Amelia and Yen Yi (Part 1)

Read this story it takes you on a fantasy gang rape of two underage girls through their eyes! Read how they tackle their emotional feelings on what they are asked to do. NO gore nor lousy grammar. The story should have sufficient descriptions to allow you to picture what actually happens, step-by-step. No exaggerations as I did my best to imagined what it situation would turn out in real life to make it as realistic as possible. I think you would have a good time. Enjoy and thanks for reading. Prologue Knock on the door. "Enter." The double doors opened and...


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The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ___________________________________________________________ As I sat out at one of the picnic tables behind our office, having lunch with my friend Steve, we talked about our families. I had known him for many years and trusted him completely, so I told him about something very private that happened a couple days before. "I went home Tuesday in the middle of the afternoon to get some papers that I needed. As I passed...


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