Scarlett Filled

Scarlett Filled

Scarlett slipped naked into bed with her husband Ben. She had been horny all day at work. Just her luck, her boss made her work double shifts and it was late when she got home, and Ben was already asleep. When she slipped under the covers, she reached over and gripped his white cock and tried to wake him up. Unfortunately, Ben was sound asleep, and didn’t want to be disturbed and pushed her hand away. Scarlett was not only disappointed, but angry. This was not the first time her husband had refused her, but tonight she was too horny to just play with herself, she needed to be fucked, and fucked hard.
Scarlett can not say she was not warned. He mother had tried to talk her out of marrying a white guy, but she didnt listen. While dating Ben had been so sensitive with her. The sex between them was so hot, but soon after they married, when they did fuck, Scarlett was rarely satisfied. As she slipped out of the bed and went into the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was still attractive, she thought. She rubbed her hand over her 34D breast. Her dark brown nipples were so hard they ached. She moved her hand down her flat stomach, down to her trimmed pubic area. She felt her juices trickling from her swollen pussy. Her finger touched her clit and she moaned softly. She turned to her left and looked at her plump ass. Oh how she missed feeling a cock slip into her ass. She had thought about cheating, but her she had never had the nerve to go through with it, but she needed a cock so bad, and it was apparent she was not going to get it from Ben.

Scarlett quietly walked to her closet and pulled out a dress. It was white and really highlighted her dark skin. With no panties or bra, she slipped the dress over her head and adjusted it to cover her body. She walked out of the bedroom and straight to her car. She knew where she could get some cock, and she was not going to chicken out this time. She backed out of the garage and headed for her old neighborhood. As she drove, one hand was on the steering wheel, the other was between her thighs. She rubbed her pussy lightly. She didn’t want to cum, but she knew as long as she was in this horny state, she would not back out.

She pulled into the parking lot of the Vixen shortly after 11pm. The Vixen was a club in her old neighborhood that where a lot of the men hung out. The place had a bad reputation for being a hot spot for drug dealers and thugs, and when she was younger, her mother had forbid her to go near it. Tonight though, she knew it was the perfect place for her to get what she needed. The slowly opened the door to her car. As she stood, the night air cut through her dress like a knife. Her nipples were already hard and sensitive, but the air sent lightning through out her body. Her high heels clicked on the asphalt as she walked to the door. She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the knob and opened it. The thick smoke from inside came out like a thick fog.

To say she drew attention when she walked in was and understatement. Every eye in the bar turned and watched her walk toward the bar, and sit on a stool. She ordered a drink, and before it was served, she was surrounded by three big black guys. All three was complementing her on how beautiful and hot she was. Their word enhanced her condition and she gripped her glass so she would not attack them. As horny as she was, her conscience began to over ride her condition and she began to have second thoughts. After her second drink, she decided against her initial plan. She excused herself, to go to the ladies room. She had it set in her mind that once she had relieved herself in the bathroom, she would leave and go back home. She was sure that Ben would never know she had left. As she stood, she stumbled. Suddenly she felt dizzy. She stumbled to the ladies room. As she sat on the toilet, she placed her hands on the walls of the stall. She felt as if she was going to fall into the dirty floor if she didnt brace herself. She stood and flushed and felt as if she was falling backwards. As she stepped back to catch herself, her foot twisted due to her high heel, and she fell backwards, landing on the floor.

Instantly, she felt hands on her body. She tried to focus, but her vision was blurred. All she could make out was three dark figures above her. One hand was between her legs. She tried to resist but her body did not cooperate with her mind. Now there were hands on her breast. Pulling and pinching her hard nipples. Again she thought to resist, but her arms were like spaghetti and she could not move them. The hand between her legs rubbed over her aching pussy, she could not help herself as she moaned. She felt her body being picked up into the arms of one of the figures. The person carried her out of the bathroom. She could see bright lights, and hear men yelling, but she could not make out what they were saying. Then she was placed on a hard surface. As he hand moved around, she felt the rough felt and she knew that she had been placed on the pool table in the bar. The worst filled her mind. Tears began to flow from her eyes, again she tried to move, to push herself away and escape, but her body would not move.

Suddenly she felt a sting between her legs. A cock was being forced inside her. As she gasped for air, another slipped between her lips. The two men began the move in rhythm as they fed her pussy and mouth. The cock in her pussy was huge. It felt like it was ripping her as the man pounded it deeper, the cock in her mouth made her jaws stretch and soon she was gagging as the man held on to her hair and forced it deeper down her throat. She tried to cry out, but the cock in her mouth prevented it. After what seemed like forever, she felt the cock in her mouth begin to shoot cum down her throat. She gagged and coughed. The cum shot down her throat and as she coughed, it spewed out her nose, making it almost impossible to breath. The jerking of her body, caused the man in her pussy to cum. The inside of her pussy stung as the cock milk shot through her into her womb. Her breathing was labored and she felt relief as the two cocks slipped out of her.

Her fears excallated as she felt her body being picked up and hand rubbing her tight black ass. It felt as thousands of hands were slapping and groping her thick ass cheeks. Her eyes widened as she screamed as she felt a cock slipping between her meaty cheeks. There was no lube and the cock jabbed at her dry ass. The pain was unbearable as she cried out. As her mouth opened, another cock pushed it between her lips, to quieten her. The cock in her ass passed her tight puckering ring and sunk deep into her bowels. The cock in her mouth slipped deeper and she felt his hairy balls on her chin. Another cock slipped into her slick pussy. She could not believe the feeling. She knew that she shouldn’t, but she was beginning to enjoy the torment she was being put through. The cock in her ass and the one in her pussy began to pound her as the one in her mouth met the thrust of his companions. She felt a mouth on each of her aching nipples. Pleasure was overriding the fear and humiliation she had felt moments earlier. She felt her orgasm building quickly as her body rocked. In unison all four orgasms hit. Scarletts pussy tightened on the cocks in her pussy and ass. She felt both begin to shoot their hot seed into her pussy and ass. Her pleasure was interrupted the cum being shot into her throat, causing her to choke. Scarlett lost count of the cocks and orgasms that went through her body. When a cock in either her mouth, ass or pussy slipped out, spent, another took its place. She eventually passed out from over sensitivity and exhaustion.
Slowly, Scarlett opened her eyes. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust. She gently rose to a sitting position. Her ass and pussy were sore and felt as if they were on fire. Her mouth was dry and tasted of musky cum. She rubbed her hand between her legs. She winced in pain as she felt the dried cum caked over it and her tangled pubic hair. As she sat up and looked down, a white sheet of dried cum covered the green felt of the pool table. She stumbled to get to her feet. Her shoes were no where to be seen. Her dress was gathered around her stomach and was soaked with sweat, cum and piss. Her legs felt like rubber bands as she tried to stand. She stumbled and grabbed a hold of a table to keep her balance. She felt the goo beginning to seep from her ass and pussy as she began to stumble toward the door. Finally she made it to her car. She started the engine and noticed on the radio clock that it was 4 am. She had to hurry home before Ben woke up.

By the time she made it home, she had regained enough strength to walk almost normally. She went straight to the shower and turned on the water. As the water cascaded on her used and abused body, her mind tried to recalculate what she had went through. She could not believe how wet she was getting by remembering the countless cocks that had been inside her. She rubbed her hand over her sore pussy and grimaced in pain as her fingers rubbed over her raw and sensitive area. She slowly stepped out of the shower and dried off. Slowly she moved to the bed. In a matter of seconds she was fast asleep, with a smile on her face.

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