Figuring It Out (Repost)

Figuring It Out (Repost)

Introduction: How I learned about sex   Figuring It Out (Repost) By Kim Category = young, pre-teen male, pre-teen female, true story, virginity This is a rewrite of a story I posted several years ago. I am rewriting it in the “He thought, She thought” format that several authors on this site have used recently. This event actually happened to me almost 20 years ago. I have taken a bit of literary license with what we each were thinking at the time. How did you learn about sex? Sometimes we learn in Sex Ed at school, sometimes a parent sits you down and explains it. This is the story of how I learned much of what I know about sex. It was a hot summer day when I was 11 years old. My 12 year old brother and I were two houses down the street playing ball in the back yard with Eric who was also 12. In the middle of the game, it suddenly started to rain – hard! Eric and I dashed into a nearby storage shed while my brother ran into the house. Eric and I dried off with an old towel that was hanging on the wall and sat down to wait for the rain to stop. I sat on a plastic milk crate and Eric sat on the engine of a lawn mower. After a brief discussion of the weather, Eric thought “This is a great chance to bring up the subject of sex and just maybe I will get lucky.” That was when he asked me what I knew about sex. I thought “Wow, I have never had a discussion about sex with a boy so lets talk see where this leads.” I told him I knew that in order to have a baby a man and a woman had to have sex. Then I repeated the egg meets sperm story from 3rd or 4th grade Sex Ed. I also knew that women made eggs, men made sperm and the two met inside the woman. What I did not know was how the man’s sperm got inside of the woman. Eric volunteered that for the sperm to get inside the woman, a man had to put his penis into a woman’s virgina. I thought “OK, I just learned something important. I wonder how that actually works?” I told Eric that I remembered hearing that most people do it in bed naked. Eric thought “She seems really interested, lets keep going.” He said he had heard that it was fun and really felt good. I agreed that something like that had to be true because just about everyone made SEX such a big deal. It was still raining really hard and we were going to be there for a while longer. Eric thought “This is going well, lets try going to the next step.” He said all of this sex talk had made his penis hard and asked me if I wanted to see it. I thought “The last time I played I'll show you mine if you will show me yours was when I was 7 years old, but I had never seen an erect penis.” Being a curious person I said OK. Eric pulled down his shorts and there stood his pre-puberty penis sticking straight out. It was about 3 inches long and about the size of my finger. It had a reddish colored head at the end with a hole in the middle. Eric said the hole had two purposes – that was where his pee came out and where the sperm would come out after he hit puberty in a year or two. Below the base hung a little sack with two nuts about the size of marbles. He asked me if I wanted to feel it so I did. The skin was soft but the penis was firm and stiff. The sack was very wrinkled and expanded when I pulled on it. His nuts felt very firm but scooted around when I tried to feel them. After I had finished inspecting his ‘package’, he asked to see mine. I knew that was coming, so I made a show of pulled down my shorts and panties. I stood and let him look at my hairless pussy. I turned all the way around a couple of times and let him look at me from every angle. He thought “Wow, this may be my lucky day, lets go for it!” He then asked if he could look inside. I thought, “why not”, so I stepped out of my shorts and panties, sat on the milk crate and spread my legs wide. I spread my pussy lips with my fingers as Eric bent down for a good look. He said it did not look very big or very deep. He asked if I had ever put my fingers in my pussy. I thought “I wonder where he wants to take this now?” I said I had tried it once but quit after inserting one finger about an inch because it hurt. He asked how long ago I had tried and I said at least a year ago and maybe two. He said not to worry; I had probably grown a lot since then. Eric then asked to see my breasts. I knew that was coming as well so I told him there was not much to see as I lifted my t-shirt to show him the two marshmallow sized lumps growing on my chest. He reached out and ran his fingers all around them and then tickled my tiny nipples. They were very sensitive and little tingly bolts of lightning started to radiate throughout my body. I thought “Wow, I like these new feelings.” After a couple of minutes of that Eric suggested that we see if we could “Do It.” I decided that I was willing to try but had no idea what to do. It turned out that Eric did not either. We discussed how we might do it in the very small space available in the shed, Eric suggested we try to do it standing up. Eric was about 6 inches taller than I was so he had to squat down to align his penis with my pussy. That meant that his legs had to be on the outside of mine and that I could not spread my legs very much. That idea did not work. He could rub the head of his penis against the lips of my pussy but he could not get it to go in. It was not long enough! After a couple of minutes of frustration, we stopped and sat down to figure out a better way. Eric was sitting on the milk crate and suggested that I sit in his lap. I thought “There is no way I am going to put my bare bottom on that greasy lawn mower engine,” so I sat on his lap with my back to him. I could feel his penis push against my bottom but it was nowhere near my opening. I spread my legs wide and leaned forward. I could now look down and see the head of his penis as it rubbed around on my pussy but he still was not finding my opening. I reached down and tried to guide it to my opening but we were not at all coordinated and it kept slipping out. In that position my pussy was just not close enough to his short penis for him to get more than about a half of the head between my pussy lips. Eric said it felt really nice and warm. I was feeling both excited and frustrated. I was excited by the sensation of bare skin to bare skin contact and by the stimulation of a penis rubbing all around on my bottom. I was frustrated that we were not yet “Doing It”. After a while I had an idea and suggested that I change positions and face him. I turned around and stood straddling him as he leaned back on the milk crate. Now we could both see what was happening. He could guide his penis while I held my pussy lips open. I wiggled around until we were aligned and the head was right against my opening. “We both thought that this should work and went for it.“ He tried to lift his hips and push but not much happened. He would push and my body would be lifted up an inch or so. I felt a lot of pressure around/near/in my pussy but no penetration. His very dry penis just would not go into my equally dry pussy. We kept trying for a minute or two and then we were interrupted. The rain had just about stopped and my brother was yelling for us from the back door. We both thought “Oh shit!” We quickly pulled our clothes on and stuck our heads out the door. My brother said that we should come in as Eric’s mother was serving soda and chips. My sex lesson was over and I had learned a lot but despite our best efforts I was still a virgin.

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