I was on my way to meet the girl. I had never seen her before, only chatted with her a few times in the Internet. But I knew that she was young - only 16, and she knew that I was more than ten years older than she was... Other than that I had never even seen a picture of her, although she had told me that she is very small in size. We had agreed to meet at a bus stop, at the edge of the city central. It was a warm summer day and I was arriving by foot. I had had a couple of beers to calm my nerves. When I turned to the correct street, the bus stop was about 50 yards from me, and I noticed a figure sitting on the bench. Long blonde hair... I was so nervous. I had never met a girl this much younger than myself. How would she react to me..? I walked up to the bus stop. We looked at each other for a while, both obviously very anxious. When she stood up I saw just how short and slim she really was. Her long, blonde hair reached down to her lower back, and her face could only be described as "cute". She was wearing a pair of blue jeans, which I noticed to be quite tight over her small figure. On her upper body she was wearing a black top and a light-blue hoodie that was casually unzipped. I couldn't help myself - my eyes wandered and I almost immediately checked out her bosom... the shape of it was clearly distinguishable through the layers of clothing. At this point I felt my penis getting harder... and I hadn't even exchanged greetings with her. We exchanged a few words, then began to walk down the street. She was quiet - clearly very nervous, but I estimated that she also was shy and quiet by nature. During our chat sessions, we hadn't really decided on what to do during the meeting, so we just walked for a while and talked. Mostly it was me who talked - the girl just answered with short "yeah"s and "ok"s... I was also secretly looking for a place where we could spend some time without anyone else there to see us... We were still very close to downtown, but I knew there was a small patch of forested area nearby. Several paths criss-cross the area, but that was the most secluded place that I could think of at that time. When we came to the edge of the forest, I asked if she'd like to walk in there with me. She agreed, so we begun to walk along the path that led deeper into the woods. The path was very narrow, so we couldn't walk it side by side - I asked her to go first... While I walked behind her, she was the only thing I was looking at. Her butt was small and actually kind of flat, but I found it difficult to tear my eyes away from it. My erection was still strong - my dick had been hard ever since the moment the girl first stood up at the bus stop. When we arrived to a spot that seemed private enough, I asked the girl to stop. There was a tree stump right next to the path and I urged her to sit down on it. I also inquired - somewhat playfully - if it wasn't too hot to be wearing the hoodie... I think she actually was feeling a little hot, as the day was warm and at least I was feeling a little sweaty after our walk. She removed the hoodie and placed it on her lap. Now, as she was sitting down and wearing only the sleeveless top, I could get a better look at her breasts... They seemed surprisingly large, at least when considering her otherwise small frame. The pressure in my pants just wouldn't go away, and I think the girl noticed it too - my bulge was clearly visible. For a moment I pondered if I should be embarrassed by it... But the girl didn't mention anything, and I think she knew what I was thinking anyway. During our last chat, we hadn't really talked about what to do when we'd meet, but the chats had often been somewhat sexually flavored. We talked about some casual things for a while, or rather, I talked, because the girl was still very quiet. But the pressure in my jeans was getting really uncomfortable, so after about ten minutes, I just couldn't keep the conversation up anymore. I wasn't sure on how to proceed delicately, so I just went ahead and asked if it was OK for me to touch her. She gave me a cute little nod and let out a quiet "mm-hm" sound, so I stepped closer to stand right next to her. I ran my hands through her gorgeous hair and caressed one of her cheeks. From there I was also able to get a nice view down to her cleavage... I was certain that the girl had figured out that by "touching" I had meant more than just petting her hair a little, so I placed one of my hands on her neck, between her collarbones. I looked her directly in the eyes to see her reactions, and very slowly slid my hand downwards. The girl didn't seem to mind, so I did not stop my hand when the tips of my fingers touched her bra. Continuing with very careful and gentle motions I pushed my fingers under the right cup of her bra, and then proceeded even further down. I felt the girl tensing when the tip of my finger touched her nipple... My heart was pounding as I pushed my hand even further down. When her nipple pressed against the center of my palm, I noticed that her breasts were actually really small. Her bra must've been heavily padded, because the little teen-titty that now was pressing against my palm did not resemble the ample breast that I had imagined in my mind. But I was ecstatic all the same! My cock hardened even more, if possible, as I gently caressed the girl's breast and flicked her nipple. Then I noticed some movement nearby, so I quickly pulled my hand out from under the girl's shirt. There was somebody walking along one of the other paths nearby, but they were going away from us... But the moment had passed, so I asked if we should try to venture even deeper into the forest. The girl stood up but did not put her hoodie back on. This time I walked first, hoping that the girl would follow me wherever I decided to go. We walked ahead and I tried to initiate a conversation again. The girl was still very quiet and brief with her answers, but at least she was interested in following me deeper into the woods. My arousal was getting unbearable, so I began to think about how to end this little adventure. Eventhough the girl was clearly very shy and seemed somewhat uneasy, it appeared that she was quite amenable to by suggestions... I believe that she did like the situation, she just didn't want to show it, or then she was too nervous to say anything meaningful. In any case, I made a promise to myself; before I'd leave that little forest, I would release the terrible pressure that I felt in my balls and across my whole groin... With or without help from my blonde little companion. After walking for about 5 more minutes, we came to a spot where I stopped again. The bushes around us formed a kind of a circle; it didn't offer complete cover, but I decided that it would have to do. I made my way into the middle of the little circle and asked the girl to follow me. She did. I needed to touch her, so I gently pulled her next to me and kissed her! Her lips were so lovely and soft... After we had kissed for a short moment, she surprised me by actually playing along a little; she stopped being all passive and kissed me back with some passion. I tasted her tongue too, and it was very nice! At that moment my mind was filled with an image of those soft lips around my rock-hard penis! Right then, I knew how I'd like the adventure to end... Because the girl had shown interest in following my requests (and because I was so incredibly horny), I assumed a considerably bolder approach; I asked the girl to start taking off her clothes. She did remove her top rather quickly, but as she stood there in her beige bra, she blushed quite heavily and her movements stopped. While she hesitated, I circled behind her and began to unhook her bra. I did it slowly, so that she'd have time to say "no", but she said nothing. It was as if she had been a statue, completely motionless and silent with a white alabaster skin. It took me a long time to get her bra undone - almost as if this has been my first time... It wasn't, but at this point my hands were shaking quite a bit! After I finally succeeded, I waited for a few seconds to pull myself together... and then pulled her bra down. Gently, I grabbed the girl by her shoulders and turned her around to face me. Her small, firm, triangle-shaped breasts were now bare in front of me. Now I saw her nipples for the first time - they were light pink in color and quite small in size, and they invited me to kiss them... In only a few seconds I was down on my knees, the tip of my tongue playing with them. The girl blushed even more, and she began to breathe faster. I spent several minutes playing with her tits - fondling them softly with my hands, sucking them and licking them... I might have even bitten one of them, although very gently. I was getting too horny to endure much longer, so I decided to quickly take off the rest of the girl's clothes: All of the sudden I opened the buttons of her jeans and placed my thumbs under the waistband. I paused for a moment and looked up at her face, once again giving her time to say "no". She looked down with big, abashed eyes... but since she said nothing, I yanked her jeans down. I was greeted with bright green panties that had a text in front. I was intent on pulling them down too, but I paused for enough time to read the text - it said: "Welcome to the Jungle!" I thought it was an interesting choice of underwear for a teenage girl, but I accepted the challenge an pulled the panties down with a decisive motion. So there we were, surrounded by some bushes but still in a public place, I fully clothed and on my knees and the girl stark naked save for her shoes. The girl was breathing very fast, and when I reached to touch her clitoris with my finger, she began to tremble. There was no jungle down there: Her pussy had been shaven clean, allowing me to see her extremely arousing and inviting labia... But that day wasn't the day for her pussy, so I just teased the girl by playing with her vulva for a short time and then stood up. The girl was breathing very fast and her cheeks were noticeably red. Her slim thighs were shaking a little. Her pussy was wet (as was my index finger) and her nipples had grown a bit, though they still were rather small. At this point I asked her a direct and shameless question: "Will you suck me off?". The girl replied quickly; a faint "yeah" followed by a slight nod. My heart must have skipped a beat when I realized that the ending I was hoping for was going to happen! But - understandably - the girl felt herself quite exposed while standing there with the warm summer wind caressing her naked body, so she bent down and begun to lift up the pants from around her ankles. I asked her what she was doing, and she answered shyly that she no longer wanted to stand there butt-naked in a bright daylight. I felt a slight sting of disappointment, but I understood her point of view and let her put her pants back on... But immediately after the young lady had closed the buttons of her jeans, I interrupted what she was doing by placing my hands over her adorable teenage breasts and saying: "You don't need a top... I wanna watch these cuties while you do it.". The girl didn't seem to have any objections about this, or at least she didn't want to speak them out loud, so her bra and top remained on a nearby rock. I let go of the girl's boobs and gave her space to start doing her thing which, I knew, would end in an undoubtedly great orgasm... She was so short that she didn't need to go down on her knees. All she had to do was to bend forward. I allowed her to open my pants... it felt so relieving to finally free my cock from its prison. It had maintained a more or less full erection for over a half an hour now, and when the girl opened my pants, it practically sprung up right in front of her eyes. Slightly over 6 inches long, about 1 and a half inches thick with a slight upward curve... in that moment my penis was a magnificent sight and it was ready to take on whatever the girl had to offer. After the prolonged arousal my glans had assumed a dark red color (which I usually only see a few seconds before cumming), and I became a bit worried about the possibility of an instant ejaculation... That could happen, as the situation had driven me into such extreme levels of excitement. A pretty head with a long, blonde hair went further down, towards my groin. I closed my eyes and waited for the first touch. At first I felt a small and insecure hand grasping the shaft of my penis... then quickly after that a warm and shallow breath at the tip of it... And then; moist and soft lips around my swollen glans! I couldn't stop myself from moaning out loud. The girl sucked me very gently - most of the time she actually just licked the tip of my penis rather that sucked it, but that was fine by me, because this way I was able to resist my orgasm for a little while. I opened my eyes, lifted my gaze up to the treetops and focused my mind to feel every little movement that the lips and tongue of the half-naked teenage girl did on my super-sensitive glans. A few times the girl had to let my cock fall out of her mouth and draw a deep breath... Apparently her blowjob technique wasn't very well practiced; it exhausted her and she had to take short breaks. I didn't mind the breaks, as they allowed me to prolong the experience further, giving me some extra time until the unavoidable orgasm would end it. During one of the breaks I knelt down and played with the girl's breasts a little, giving us both some time to recover. The girl didn't take my cock in very deeply... most of the time only the tip was in her mouth, and so she had to keep it in place with one of her fragile hands. Luckily, she didn't get the idea of jacking me off with her hand, as that would have ended it all almost instantly! No; the unbelievable pleasure that I was feeling right then was caused almost solely by the wet tongue of a teenage girl moving around on my dark red, swollen and saliva-covered glans, and it was just enough to keep me on the verge of orgasm... It was perfect! I don't think she planned it that way - she probably just wanted to make me cum as fast as possible, but she didn't know that it was the lack of pressure that held me back. At that moment, a couple of full strokes with her hand, or a good suck on the tip of my penis would have pushed me over the edge... But I didn't say anything, I wanted the moment to go on forever! Then, all of a sudden, we both noticed some movement near our spot... A middle-aged woman was walking by with her dog! We had been so concentrated in what we were doing that we hadn't noticed the stranger until she was less than ten yards away. I turned my head to look at the arrival and I noticed that she was staring at us. The girl - who had been intensely focused on her task - also snapped back to reality, turned her head, and let my cock escape her mouth (it was left swaying from side to side in front of her face in a rather obscene way - the woman surely saw it clearly...). The stranger turned and hastily began to walk away with her dog, muttering something like "...sorry... ...keep doing whatever you...". The young girl in front of me got really embarrassed and began to put her bra back on in a nervous manner. I was quick to assure her that this is OK and that there is nothing to worry, but she was already pulling her top back on... I don't enjoy displaying my naked body to strangers, but that wasn't the time to get shy! Despite the interruption, my erection hadn't weakened at all, and it was unacceptable to think that the moment would end like that. And then, to make matters even more difficult, her phone rang. She was already fully clothed, so she answered it quickly. It was her mother calling, apparently asking (or telling) her daughter to come home. But even after the embarrassing interruption the girl was still obviously very horny, and my rock-hard and ready-to-cum penis was swaying back and forth in front of her, clearly making her quite distracted. She tried to do her best to calm her breath and to give some sensible answers to her mother... Feeling annoyed and a little desperate, I decided to make it difficult for her; without saying a word, I stepped right next to her, placed my hand on her stomach and pushed it down so that is slid under the front of her jeans. The girl kept talking to her mother as calmly as possible, but when my middle finger found its way under her panties, she quickly said some parting words and hung up the call. She looked at me with an expression that seemed to be a mix of amusement and anger, and told me that she needed to go back home immediately (in retrospect, I believe she might have actually been out without the permission from her mother). I implored her to not leave me in this state... My dick hadn't softened at all, and my testicles felt like they were about to burst. I asked her to finish me off, promising her that my orgasm was very close now... It wouldn't take more than 30 seconds. I even gave her a little tip, telling her to use her cheeks to generate more suction... The girl seemed stressed because of the phone call and the interruption, but she agreed. She quickly grabbed her target again (this time slightly harder than before), bowed down and placed my penis back in her mouth, this time thrusting her head forward so that the glans went much deeper into her... Then the little miss gagged and pulled her head back almost immediately - apparently my swollen sex organ went in too deep! But the girl seemed more voracious now than before - probably she intended to finish her task as soon as possible - so she continued after a break of only a few seconds. And then her wish was granted: The next time she took the tip of my penis between her moist lips, it happened; a magnificent orgasm shook my body and I let out a loud moan! The girl's lips were firmly wrapped around my penis, so my sperm was allowed to go directly into her mouth. After about 40 minutes of constant arousal and excitement the juices came out with high pressure; I felt two separate discharges that sprayed the cum across the girl's tongue and into her throat. The girl let go of my cock and swallowed for a good while, looking quite serious... Perhaps the amount of sperm took her by surprise. But she did manage to clear her throat fast enough. Then the girl appeared to be in a hurry, so she quickly begun to walk away without saying anything... I pulled my pants back on, very slowly, carefully touching and inspecting my saliva-covered penis that had just become extremely sensitive. I watched the small figure that was walking away from me, and admired its long, blonde hair that almost reached down to the petite jean-clad ass... I stood there long after the girl had gone. I thought about the events that had happened during the last hour, my heat subsiding and my penis finally softening, and I realized just how lucky I had gotten... I knew that I would never forget this experience.