The Ultimate Fantasy (Cassie's POV)_(0)

The Ultimate Fantasy (Cassie's POV)_(0)

The Ultimate Fantasy (Cassie's POV)

"OH YEAH"! I scream in ecstasy as I have an amazing orgasm and fall back beside Chris in our bed. After several minutes both heavy breathing I put my head on his muscled chest and whisper "that was amazing you are so good" " so are you" he said. Chris and I had been together 6 years. Both of us had, between us, pretty much every sexual fetish there is and had explored them all. Or so I thought.

One day I was looking at fetish stories on the Internet and called Chris over. We looked down the list of categories. I was immediately drawn to the 'cannibalism' category. Hundreds of stories of people being cooked alive and eaten.

As we read, I realised how turned on the stories were making me. I soon found myself opening my trousers and putting Chris's hand to work between my legs, while I reached into his and fondled his parts. "Chris, this is turning me on so much. We've done everything together, all that's left is to try this." "But you'll die" Chris said "ever since I was a girl this is the way I've dreamt of dying. Please" I looked into Chris's eyes, pleading. After considering for a few minutes, Chris said "Ok, if this is what's going to make you truly happy. I'll make the preparations." I almost felt like crying. "Thank you" I then took him into the bedroom and spent the rest of the day showing him how happy I was that he'd agreed to eat me.

For the next few weeks, Chris kept going out but wouldn't tell me where or why. I started cooking us separate meals as I wanted to fatten myself up so I tasted as good as possible. Over those weeks. Our sex was the best it had ever been as Chris had started biting me to test my flavour. He would also rub different condiments and ingredients into my skin. As well as this, Chris had taken at least two pints of my blood in the last few weeks

Then one day, he came home and said "everything is ready"

We drove for what seemed like hours before we arrived at the largest building I had ever seen. "Here we are. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Chris asked. I looked at the building. The last building I would ever see. I closed my eyes and thought, trying to balance the love I had of my life with Chris against the regret I would feel if my ultimate fantasy went unfulfilled. My answer was clear "I do. I am prepared for the pain, I want the pain. I want to be your meal". "Well there'll be plenty of pain involved" Chris smirked. Let's go inside".

A chill ran down my spine as we went inside and Chris locked the door.

There is a chair at the side of the building. Beside the chair is a table with enema equipment and pliers. There is a bathroom. There is also a full size double bed, and an enormous table with restraints and jump leads attached. I sit down in the chair and Chris crouched down and took my hand

"First, I need you to use the enema and take a shower, then I shall take you to the bed and fill your every hole and cover you from head to toe in marinade, then I need to remove your hair, teeth and nails. I will then leave you to marinate for 8 hours. When that time is up, I shall move you on to the big table, attach the jump leads to your hands and feet and arms, legs and sides, as well as down your throat, and inside your ass and pussy. Are you still prepared to go through with this?"

I hesitated but nodded "yes"

Chris stood up and held me close and gave me the most passionate kiss he has ever given me and started to unbutton my shirt. The rest of my clothes quickly come off and he stands back admiring my body. In my attempts to make my self as tasty as possible I have gone from 8 to 12 stone in 4 weeks. I smell of honey, meat juices and salt, evidence of smearing my entire body in it regularly for the past 4 weeks in another attempt at enhancing my flavour. I've also been regularly swallowing the same. Chris takes my hand and slowly sucks on a finger. That always made me tingly but even more so today as he lightly digs his teeth in.

"Then let's go to the bathroom"

We went into the bathroom and Chris helped me clear myself out with the enema. It was then into the shower to make sure I'm absolutely spotless. He also shaves my head, armpits, legs and pussy. It was then time for the last bit of pleasure I would ever feel.

He took me by the hand to the bed and spent the next hour filling my mouth, pussy and ass with our juices, as well as covering me from head to toe in the marinade he had chosen, which turned out to be a mixture of honey, spices and his own cum. It was the best we ever had as Chris took me in every position imaginable. When we had caught our breath, He guided me to the chair. Pleasure over here comes the pain. He picked up the pliers and my right hand. I breathed in anticipation. He took hold of a nail with the pliers, yanked and ripped it part out. I moaned in pain. I didn't make too much fuss, there was much worse pain to come. Every fingernail and toenail took 2 or 3 tugs. Then the teeth, which took even longer and more effort to remove. It was incredibly difficult and caused pain with each one.

Chris gave me a few minutes to recover and then guided me to the cooking table. I want to let our juices soak in. Cooking will begin in 8 hours"

He came back 8 hours later. "I'll give you one last chance to get out of this" "no" I said. We shared our final kiss. Chris strapped me to the table and attached jump leads to my wrists, ankles, breasts and one down my throat and inside my pussy and ass. "I love you"

That was when a whole bunch of emotions set in. I was turned on , excited, happy and terrified all at the same time.i involuntarily started shaking and crying. I saw Chris hesitate. I thought to myself quickly. NO, it's too late to turn back now. As well as I could with no teeth and a jump lead down my throat I shouted "DO IT! TURN IT ON!"

Chris turned on the electricity. My entire body, inside and out filled with simultaneusly the best and worst pain I'd ever felt as electric current passed through my body. The burn was incredible both inside and out. As it continued I cried harder both at the pain and the thought that this would kill me and I wouldn't get to feel Chris's teeth tear me apart. The room filled with the sound of electricity crackling, and my screaming, although muffled, and the smell of cooking flesh. Chris only cooked me for 10 minutes, but it felt like longer.

Once the smoke cleared, Chris approached the table. I am shocked to find not only am I still alive but I can still feel. I smell delicious. Chris removes the jump leads and smells my scent. I can't move and nearly fall off the table.

Chris starts by licking my pussy. I moan In ecstasy. Not only can I still feel, but my senses have heightened. Chris looks at me lovingly and gently starts to sink his teeth into my pussy. The pain grows quickly and It feels so right. Then Chris shocks me as he tears it away, chews and swallows and licks the wound. I scream at the top of my lungs as intense pain shoots through me. I look at Chris and he seems to enjoy my screams and the suffering on my face. I notice for the first time, that he is drinking from a pint glass filled with the blood he has been taking from me.

He then surprises me by getting up, he soon returns with a sewing kit. I realise he is sewing up the wound. He wants to keep me alive as long as possible! He's thought of everything!

As he tears away the rest of my pussy, I say, "how do I taste?" To my surprise he puts a slice of me in my mouth and helps me swallow. It's the best thing I've ever tasted.

He sinks his teeth into a breast and chews and pulls till it tears away. The pain has not yet dulled. I also get a mouthful of breast. My screams seem to be music to his ears as he eats my other breast. I cry and scream, but also moan in ecstasy. Chris rolls me over and licks my asshole, He soon stops this and starts chewing and ripping my ass cheeks., I get another bite. He clamps his jaws around my cheek and tears it away and swallows and the same the other side.

Wanting to keep me alive he stems the bleeding and stitches the wounds. He bites in to one foot and tears the flesh and carries on up the leg. I get no more bites and couldn't swallow them if I tried. I'm alive still, but my screams have become weak moans and my breath has become laboured. Chris looks me in the eyes. I think he's holding my hand but everything's becoming hazy. He smiles and speaks but his words are formless noise. I realise I don't have much time left and no longer feel anything. The last thing I see is Chris biting what I assume is my belly. I die happy knowing I have fulfilled a childhood fantasy and made Chris happy at the same time.

The End

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