My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 3

My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 3

Maryanne and I, and sometimes with our friend John, continued on week after week with our game of “Maryanne wears her sexy outfit and we visit a local bar”. Actually, we stayed away from bars that were too close to home, and ones where we might run into any of my co-workers. I don’t know how I could face people I worked with discovering our little secret. I’m sure that if we were found out the word would spread throughout the workplace, and any possible future I had with the company would be over.

However, we didn’t have any plans for New Year’s Eve, John had gone home for the holidays, and when Don, one of my friends from work asked if we wanted to do something with his wife and him that night I agreed. No chance of misbehaving with another couple we barely knew..

Don had been invited to a small party at his cousin’s place and we were to meet him there. When Maryanne and I arrived, Don and Sheila introduced us to the other guests, and then we stood around and talked until midnight. Dullest party I’ve ever attended. Don suggested that we get out of there as soon as possible, and if we wanted we could follow then to a friend’s house where the friend and his wife were hosting a party for guys who were in their fraternity at college. Five minutes after midnight we were on our way.

We arrived at the friend’s house and were introduced to him and his wife. There were two other couples there along with five or six single guys. Everyone had been drinking quite a bit and were in a real partying mood. The four of us joined right in, and soon we were playing party games. Charades was one of the games; don’t remember the others.

At one point out host suggested that the girls play “the blindfold game”. Everyone except Maryanne seemed to know what the game was. Sheila and one of the other wives agreed to play and Maryanne went along, not knowing what was going on. At least I don’t think she did. She was a little tipsy, but not drunk. She was in a lot better shape than I was.

Each of the three girls were blindfolded with a dark scarf. The hostess was in charge, and explained the rules. Each girl in turn was to remove one article of clothing, and continue to do so until she removed the “secret article”. Then that person was out of the game and the remaining players continued. I sat there and watched as the game progressed. Sheila had removed a few pieces of her clothing when she pulled off the scarf, which of course was the secret article.. Maryanne and the other girl continued. When they were both down to their slips and underwear the other girl called it quits. I think at that point the game should have ended, but the guys started calling for Maryanne to remove her slip. After a little hesitation she pulled it off and let it drop to the floor. Some time along in there Don, his wife and the other couple left, as I don’t remember seeing them after that.

When her slip came off the guys started cheering and shouting for her to take off her bra. “Show us your tits” one guy called, and the others joined in. I was in some sort of a daze by then, and I felt a couple of arms pulling me out of my chair and guiding me out of the room. As I was leaving the room I heard someone shout “your husband says it’s okay”.

They plopped me on a couch, the hostess with her arm around my shoulders telling me to rest and relax. I could hear cheering from the next room, I guess as her bra came off, and then more chants of ”more, more” and “let’s see your pussy”. Soon those chants gave way to cheers and clapping. I think I passed out at that point

I remember a few times that someone, a guy, came in and told me that my wife was fine and not to worry, everything was okay. I drifted in and out for I don’t know how long, slept for awhile. At some time Maryanne and someone else helped me into our car, and Maryanne drove us home. The sun was just coming up on New Year’s day when we were getting out of the car.

I don’t remember getting into bed, but remember waking up late in the afternoon with Maryanne curled up by my side. After we had freshened up we returned to bed. She put her head on my chest and started to say she was so sorry, she was such a bad girl, etc., etc., and even started to cry a little. We had been through scenes like this before we were married and I knew my part was to tell her I loved her, that none of it was her fault, that it was the booze, the bad guys or whatever she wanted to hear and I wanted to believe. So we could kiss and tell each other how much we loved them and then make passionate love. I guess we had our own games, too.

We had a late dinner, and then back to bed. Now she was back to feeling her sexy self, starting to admit that what she did (I still had no details) was terribly naughty and that she was so ashamed, but it might have been a little fun, maybe even more than just a little, maybe she loved it, and would she ever do it again? Well, maybe, after all, it really was a lot of fun. She loved feeling like a whore.

So what had she really done while I was passed out? Spread her legs for four guys: her first gang-bang ever. No, she wasn’t forced; they were very nice to her and she was happy to accommodate them. And she might even be willing to do it again. At this point I was ready to fuck her again, but she said she was still a little sore and pushed my head down between her legs so I could kiss and lick her. I came on the sheets very soon, but kept up the licking as I just couldn’t stop adoring her sexy, well-fucked cunt. I believe I was and still am completely addicted to her sexiness.

Enough for now. Will continue in My Wife Maryanne - Ch. 4

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